How to Obtain a Base Letter from Uber


As a rideshare driver, having a base letter from Uber can serve as invaluable proof of your affiliation with the platform. This document holds immense significance, enabling you to access partner discounts, park in designated areas, and smoothly navigate any legal complexities that may arise. If you’re an Uber driver seeking a base letter, you’ve come to the right place.

Anyone else getting letters from Uber? : r/Austin

Understanding Base Letters

A base letter is an official document issued by Uber that verifies your active status as a driver on their platform. It typically includes essential details such as your full name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and vehicle information. Base letters are often required when applying for certain permits, discounts, or parking privileges reserved for ridesharing drivers.

Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Base Letter

Step 1: Log into Your Uber Driver Account

Access your Uber driver account through the mobile app or the official Uber website. Once logged in, navigate to the “Account” or “Documents” section.

Step 2: Locate the Base Letter Request Option

Search for the “Base Letter” or “Document Request” section within your account settings. If you cannot find it, you may need to contact Uber support for assistance.

Step 3: Submit Your Request

Provide the necessary information, such as your full name, date of birth, and vehicle details. Review the request carefully before submitting it.

Step 4: Wait for Processing

Uber will process your request within a specified timeframe, usually within a few business days. During this period, your driving activity may be paused for verification purposes.

Step 5: Accessing Your Base Letter

Once approved, your base letter will be available for download in PDF format from your Uber driver account. You can also request a physical copy to be mailed to your registered address.

Benefits of Having a Base Letter

Partner Discounts: Many companies offer exclusive discounts and promotions to Uber drivers with a valid base letter. Take advantage of savings on fuel, vehicle maintenance, and insurance premiums.

Designated Parking: In some cities, specific parking zones are designated for ridesharing drivers. A base letter can grant you access to these spaces, making it easier to drop off or pick up passengers in busy areas.

Legal Documentation: In the event of a legal dispute or insurance claim, a base letter serves as proof of your employment status with Uber. It can help clarify liabilities and provide peace of mind.

How To Request An Uber (2018) - YouTube

How To Get A Base Letter From Uber


Obtaining a base letter from Uber is a straightforward process that can offer significant benefits to rideshare drivers. Whether you’re seeking partner discounts, convenient parking, or legal protection, having a base letter is essential. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily obtain this vital document and unlock its advantages, making your driving experience smoother and more rewarding.